Infrastructure design
Worksite Management, Safety Coordination during Execution Phase
Comune di Baucina
Total Amount
945.632,00 euro
Execution period
2023 in progress
The elementary and middle school “Maria Moraca,” built in the first half of the 1950s, is located in the southwest part of the residential area of Bucina, in a peripheral area relative to the town center, specifically between Via Cavour and Via M. Bonarini. The service involves seismic retrofitting and energy requalification works for the school building.
The seismic retrofitting intervention aims to achieve the safety levels required for new construction buildings, as specified in CC. 8.4.3. of the NTC. Specifically for this category of interventions, the following is envisaged:
– Consolidation of masonry through the application of reinforced concrete plaster;
– Construction of a top concrete beam;
– Application of metal chains with a diameter of 12 mm for the prevention of overturning mechanisms and facade collapse;
– Reinforcement of the support beams of the internal staircase.
Particular attention has been paid to the study of the energy efficiency of the school building. Specifically, the following measures are planned:
– Replacement of existing fixtures with PVC external joinery;
– Insulation of vertical walls with expanded polyurethane panels;
– Roof insulation by applying expanded polyurethane panel coupled with a waterproofed layer using bituminous membrane;
– Installation of a liquid elastic membrane, such as a cool roof, along the roof;
– Requalification of the thermal plant for winter air conditioning by replacing the existing diesel boiler with an air/water heat pump;
– Replacement of existing lighting fixtures with LED technology elements with energy efficiency class A++.