Infrastructure design
Construction management
Comune di Capo d'Orlando
Total Amount
742.411,10 euro
Execution period
2021 in progress
The service concerns the executive project related to the works of “Refunctionalization of the property in Via Consolare Antica to be used as a center for women victims of violence.” It includes interventions for the adaptation of existing structures, demolition, and the construction of a new reception facility. The project also involves the arrangement of the areas surrounding the new structure and minor interventions. All the interventions are aimed at improving the quality of the existing works and creating a reception center for women victims of violence.
The project involves adapting an apartment seized about a decade ago by the Police of Capo d’Orlando from an entrepreneur accused of mafia association. The residential property confiscated by the State is located on land adjacent to Via Consolare Antica and is also next to a warehouse.
Financed by the Ministry of the Interior with funds from the National Operational Plan for Legality 2014/2020, the project envisions the confiscated property being allocated for a center for women victims of violence. The rear space will be used for an additional area comprising outdoor spaces and an additional building intended for the daytime activities of women victims of violence and their children. It will serve as a place for training, psychological assistance, play, leisure, and gatherings for the children and relatives of women victims of violence.
The new spaces owned and available to the Municipal Administration can also be used for institutional purposes.