Infrastructure design
Executive Design, Coordinator for Safety in the Design Phase
Structure of the Commissioner's Delegate, Implementing Body of the Commissioner's Delegate according to Ordinance 25/2020
Total Amount
2.129.717,10 euro
Execution period
The design procedure for the refunctionalization of the emergency area (UTIN, UTIC, and Reanimation) at Umberto I Hospital in Enna is part of a hospital facility adaptation process initiated with D.A. no. 550 of June 19, 2020, “Reorganization of intensive and sub-intensive therapies according to Article 2 of Legislative Decree May 19, 2020, no. 34,” and subsequent D.A. 614 of July 8, 2020, through which the Health Department of the Sicilian Region has allocated resources for interventions on existing hospital structures to create intensive care beds. The allocation of the neonatal intensive care unit will involve the remodulation of existing functional areas and the rationalization of crossing paths in order to provide the new unit with characteristics of efficiency and management functionality. The neonatal intensive care unit (UTIN) is currently located on the second floor of Umberto I Hospital in Enna, situated in the Ferrante district of the Municipality of Enna