Infrastructure design
roads and highwaysService
Executive Design, Safety Coordination during the Design Phase
Total Amount
4.524.709,09 euro
Execution period
2021 in progress
The service concerns the executive project for the works of “Improvement of the service level of the SS 193 road in Augusta from km 0+000 to km 5+250“. It involves measures to bring safety barriers into compliance with regulations, replacement of supports for overhead signage with flagpole supports, adjustment of the platform water collection system following the adaptation of retaining devices, realignment of the road platform in relation to the redefinition of the central margin, and minor interventions. All interventions aim to improve traffic flow conditions and enhance user safety on the existing SS 193 road.
This infrastructure represents a critical section for the connections between the city of Augusta and the metropolises of Syracuse and Catania. It is also affected by heavy and continuously growing traffic due to the presence of the commercial port of Augusta, which is planning several expansion projects in the near future.
The project interventions, which will be discussed in detail in the following paragraphs, can be summarized as follows:
Replacement of the current retaining devices with higher-class barriers along the entire central margin and at locations where new supports for overhead signage are installed.
Redesign of the central margin with a new hydraulic system for collecting and disposing of platform water.
Installation of 2 new openings in correspondence with the existing ones to be removed.
Replacement of existing “gantry” and “flagpole” overhead signage supports with new generation “flagpole” supports, including the construction of new foundations.
Protection of obstacles and critical points with the installation of new crash attenuators.
Reconstruction of curbstones at the approach walls of the “Punta Cugno” bridge and reconstruction of curbstones and deck for the installation of new barriers.
Redoing of horizontal signage and repositioning of central margin signals on supports anchored to the new median barriers and on the side edges.